About us

My name is Pit(Pierre)Graf, and I am a french certified physiotherapist who has transitioned into a drawing teacher a long time ago.

I have also explored various disciplines such as photography, graphic design, web design, and illustration.

Passionate about art in general, I only truly learned the basics of drawing at the age of 25, and it was from there that I began to see real progress.

What sets me apart from most artists I know is that I started relatively late and learned drawing as a self-taught individual. I believe I am the perfect example of the average person who has no innate talent and even less predisposition!

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How long does it take to learn to draw?

It depends on the student’s ability to concentrate, experience and learning ability. With our method, and about one hour of drawing per day, the average student can expect to acquire a solid foundation after 2 to 4 months.

Our traditional drawing courses are among the best on the internet. We have more than 7,000 students to our credit, some of them became professionals.

If you want to have in front of you a human team that really cares about the well-being of its students, even at the other end of the internet, look no further: we are that team.

I only know how to copy other people's drawings. Am I hopeless?

Don’t be discouraged! I used to feel the same way a few years ago, until I realized there is still hope for me. Although it can be difficult for beginners to sketch from memory or imagination, this can definitely change with some effort and practice. There are simple steps you take that will help improve your drawing skills and make them truly yours.

The reality is that often it’s our own fear of judgment from others that imprisons us. It’s much easier to imitate than to imagine, especially for young adults who have become accustomed to mimicking the drawings of those around them throughout their adolescence and are apprehensive about criticism should they venture beyond established boundaries. Thus, many individuals would rather stay within what’s familiar instead of taking a risk with something new.

When you become an adult, this fear only intensifies… Once the apprehension is debunked, one can commence memorizing what they perceive and artfully create shapes without trepidation of criticism from others. This course is designed with a selection of tailored drills.

Although it may seem daunting, the time to make a change and expose your vulnerabilities is now. You won’t regret this decision and will feel empowered once you’ve conquered the fear of criticism from others. Nothing should stand between you and success—so take that leap today!

Does your child meet the minimum age requirement for taking courses?

Generally, I would recommend children who are at least 11-12 years old. If a child is younger than this, the course could be too complex unless they have advanced development and knowledge.
For those under 11 years of age, another approach should be taken that emphasizes fun while aiding in developing their observational skills – copying characters from Disney movies or comics can help! Remember: forcibly pushing a young one to go against what feels natural will never lead to positive results.

If your child has a natural interest in the fundamentals and foundations of drawing, it is something to explore! However, for most children this may not be the case. Above all else they are primarily drawn to copying and coloring. But if you have an exceptionally creative youngster, then our courses could provide just what he or she needs – who knows?

Wondering what equipment to buy first?

Are you just beginning in the world of art? Let me save you time and money—a simple pencil and a piece of paper is all that’s necessary! Forget about purchasing expensive materials right away. Instead, take your time honing your skills with basic supplies; learn how to manipulate a pencil correctly, observe perspective, and practice imitating other talented artists online before investing more.

If you’re considering a workshop where instead of learning, it’s merely copying other people’s photographs without any proper guidance – don’t waste your hard-earned money. You’ll find yourself stuck in the same place with little to no improvement made. Investing elsewhere would be more worthwhile and rewarding!

Are you born with artistic talent to know how to draw?

Not at all! Even if some children are naturally gifted in this area, any normal person can quickly surpass them through dedication and the right method. Innate gifts do not exist – it is merely an urban legend. With a little practice and guidance, anyone will become an expert artist!

Those who deny such a fact are most likely seeking excuses to delay their tasks and view TV series after work hours. I have already decided which side of the fence I’m standing on, how about you? Between actively participating or simply observing from afar, who will join me in this pursuit?

As a teacher, I favor students who are open to learning new things and don’t assume they know everything – even if they claim to have “10 years of experience.” It’s much more rewarding teaching someone willing to start from the basics instead of stubbornly ignoring advice.

Is your method effective?

Even if my method is not magical, I have gathered all the best technical knowledge ever taught to date. If you don’t find the content to your liking, it’s a safe bet that no method will ever suit you: I can guarantee that with my eyes closed. HTDS is a unique platform (as unique as its creator, of course! 😀 ).

It is the guarantee of always progressing with respect and good humor, with a passionate coach who will not abandon you. I totally sucked too, I know how daunting it is at first! But this is not inevitable. I trust my pedagogy. The results of our students speak for themselves.

I don’t want to learn perspective, I leave that to the architects!

Perspective is one of the fundamental concepts that every artist should know. It gives drawings a 3D effect, making them appear realistic and captivating.

Fortunately, you don’t have to be an expert mathematician to understand this concept and apply it with basic shapes – my lessons simplify the process for those who are apprehensive about learning!